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E: gro.lanoitanretnisrepahsnoisiv%40isvllet

T: +234 916 273 1667 (WhatsApp)

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Home > Volunteer

How you can partner with Us 

Join us to make a difference 


Join the wide range of professionals who selflessly give in kind and in cash to help meet the needs of over 200 businesses to date in support of our beneficiaries.


The loans we give range between the equivalent amounts of $61 - $183. All donations go towards the loan and the local administration.


As a friend of Treasured, you will have to use your skills and interests to support our beneficiaries.

How you can partner with us  

We offer many services which require a wide range of skills and knowledge. This enable us to provide unique advice, guidance and support to our beneficiaries.

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Donate now and help us reach our goal

Presently, we aim to raise $2,440 of which $1,500 would be used to boost our loan pots and $940 to create and maintain a bespoke database for organizing Treasured's accounting and monitoring records.

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Get involved- become a Treasured volunteer! 

Depending on your location, your contact with us can be virtual, on-site or both. No language proficiency is required. However, a good knowledge of a language local to given locations would be helpful.Examples of works undertaking by our volunteers:● Record keeping● Accounting● Strategic planning● Marketing and publicity ● Create project design● Social media● Training our trainers● Leadership and mentoring● Youth developmentNo minimum academic qualification required. Skills and experience in information communication technology would be helpful.Volunteers will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the organization.To support us with your time, skills and experience or if you have any questions, please feel free to fill our contact form.

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Friends of Treasured work in groups. They organise activities which promote and raise funds to support the frontline chapters of Treasured where we deliver directly to our beneficiaries.  

Join Us to Make a Difference

By joining Treasured, we will together:
• create jobs and grow businesses
• restore people’s hope and confidence
• develop future mentors

Our Vision for the Future 

Our vision for the future
• Train beneficiaries to become mentors
• Stimulate growth through investments
• Educate widows’ children and orphans
• Replicate the model in other parts of the world.